If you’re considering bariatric surgery at Central Maine Medical Center, you must meet specific criteria before you can be considered for a consult. This criteria is based on universal standards established by the National Institutes of Health and includes:
- Body Mass Index (BMI) greater than 40 or BMI greater than 35 with medical complications related to obesity, such as high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes or sleep apnea. Use the BMI calculator from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention to check your BMI. Many other medical complications qualify.
- A documented history of weight management and weight loss attempts with supervised diets and exercise programs.
- No indication of active alcoholism, active drug addiction or a major psychiatric disorder.
- Our surgeons will evaluate other criteria, such as your age and general health, to determine if bariatric surgery is appropriate for you.
You will be evaluated by our surgeons to determine if bariatric surgery is right for you. You will also be evaluated by our dietitians and behavioral health specialist to make sure you are ready. Further assessment may be needed by other medical specialists.
After the completion of your requirements, our team will meet to decide whether you are an appropriate candidate for surgery. This decision is based upon your physical and emotional state, as well as eating habits, food preferences, activity levels and other health problems.
In some cases, the type of surgery you desire will not offer optimal outcomes, and a different type of bariatric surgery or an alternative treatment may be recommended.
You also may be required to meet certain criteria — such as losing weight, attending counseling or undergoing physical therapy — before your surgery is scheduled. This helps to ensure that you will have the best possible chance of recovering from the surgery and succeeding at weight loss.
Once you successfully complete the screening process and obtain insurance approval, your surgery will be scheduled and pre-operative preparation will begin.
If you have a Central Maine Healthcare provider, please have provider enter the referral into Cerner. If not, please have your provider mail or fax the following information:
- Referral for the evaluation and treatment of morbid obesity
- Referral authorization number from the insurance company, referral must be for 1 year
- Demographic Information on the patient (DOB, address, phone number, insurance info)
- Most recent history and physical including blood work and medications
- All related diagnoses and co-morbidities
- Weight history of the past 3 years
- Previous attempts/duration of unsuccessful weight loss
Referral Process
- Your primary care provider sends us a completed referral form with above documentation.
- Our staff will review your referral and contact your insurance to verify your bariatric criteria.
- Once bariatric criteria has been confirmed, you will then be contacted to schedule an appointment.
- Before your appointment, you will be mailed a packet of information including appointment information and forms that need to be completed prior to your visit.
- Most insurance plans cover these visits. However, coverage can vary and we recommend that you check your health insurance benefits.
Central Maine Bariatric Surgery Fax Number is 207-795-2559.