Bennett Breast Care Center

The Bennett Breast Care Center at CMMC provides a comprehensive range of breast imaging services. This includes digital mammography, ultrasound and MRI. The Center is open Monday through Friday with some appointments available on Saturday.
The Breast Center is in agreement with the American Cancer Society and The American Society of Breast Surgeons in recommending annual screening mammography for women over the age of 40. Breast density is now being reported on all mammograms and the providers at the breast center are available for consultation for patients regarding their risk for breast cancer if they have dense breast tissue.
Breast biopsy services:
- Breast cyst aspiration: Breast Cyst Aspiration is a simple procedure of removing fluid from a cyst using a fine needle. Often ultrasound is used to guide this procedure. A cyst is a fluid-filled, non-malignant growth that is aspirated only if is painful or very large.
- Ultrasound and stereotatic core breast biopsy: Core Needle Biopsy is performed to obtain tissue to send to pathology for testing. It is minimally invasive and is done using either ultrasound or digital mammography to guide the procedure.
- Needle localization: Needle Localization is the insertion of a fine wire into an area of concern prior to an open surgical procedure. It is done to guide the surgeon doing the biopsy when a breast lesion can not be felt.
- Sentinel node evaluation:Sentinel Node Evaluation is a procedure done to guide the surgeon in removing the important lymph nodes in a patient undergoing breast cancer surgery. This involves the injection of a small amount of radioactive dye in the breast which is then filtered out by the lymph nodes. The injection is done on the day of surgery in the nuclear medicine department. The surgeon uses a special detector to remove these for testing by pathology.
Learn about Breast Health services at Central Maine Healthcare.