Assisting You with Your Medication Needs: The CMMC Pharmacy is open to the public and accepts all major insurance plans. As part of your healthcare team, let our pharmacy assist you with managing your medication needs. The CMMC Pharmacy can transfer prescriptions from other pharmacies with a simple request in person or by phone. Our professional team members provide friendly, knowledgeable service in a convenient location. We are your community pharmacy.
Located on the CMMC Campus:
12 High Street (Lobby), Lewiston
Hours of Operation:
Monday-Friday 7 a.m. to 7 p.m.
Saturday 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Sunday – closed
Easy refills: 207-795-7177
Automated Refill Line Available 24/7
CMH Pharmacy App: Convenient & Easy
- Secure messaging with pharmacy team
- Request refills
- Set medication reminders
Sign up at https://patient.rxlocal.com/
Services Offered:
- Patient counseling and education
- Refill reminders
- Text and email alerting systems
- Convenient shipment and pickup options
- Medication Therapy Management
- Immunizations
- Prescription Compliance options (autofill)
For refills, customers may call anytime, using our “refill by telephone” system, by dialing (207) 795-7177. Please remember that the CMMC Pharmacy offers alternative options to ensure that your prescriptions are filled and ready when needed, including auto-refill; auto-sync (where all of a customer’s maintenance medications can be synced to refill on the same day) and mail order (restrictions apply – please call for details).
CMMC Specialty Pharmacy
Our CMMC Specialty Pharmacy helps patients understand their chronic and complex diseases and the medication used to treat them.
Located on the CMMC Campus:
12 High Street (Lobby), Lewiston
Federal 340B Drug Pricing Program
The 340B is a program overseen by the Health Resources and Services Agency (HRSA), a division of the US Department of Health & Human Service. Under 340B, drug manufacturers who wish to participate in the Medicaid and Medicare Part B prescription coverage programs must offer a select list of drugs to qualified healthcare providers at a reduced price. The program, which is not subsidized by the federal government, is intended to allow providers to stretch scarce resources as far as possible to provide more care to patients.
Central Maine Healthcare (CMH) provides comprehensive, integrated healthcare services to a geographically dispersed population and qualifies for the 340B program enabling us to provide additional services to our community.
What 340B Means to CMH and Our Community: Many healthcare services are only partially covered by insurance or not covered at all. Medicare and Maine Care reimburse at rates that are often far below the actual cost to provide care. Savings generated by the 340B drug program help CMH fill the reimbursement gaps from insurance and also supports CMH’s $5.2 Million of free care to needy community members annually.
Examples of Programs Made Possible by 340B
- Reduced prescription costs: Our affiliated outpatient practice areas provide lower costs for eligible medications at CMMC’s retail pharmacy and via mail order.
- Rural Areas: Bridgton and Rumford Hospitals provide full-service chemotherapy and specialty infusion enabling patients to receive the care they need closer to home.
- Central Maine Comprehensive Cancer Center: Located at the Lewiston campus, our integrated, multi-disciplinary cancer program combines a full spectrum of services and medical specialists to diagnose and treat cancer holistically. 340B savings enable us to provide access to the most up to date drug regimens for every patient we see.
- Diabetes & Endocrinology: Working collaboratively with patients, our team of board-certified endocrinologists, certified diabetes educators, registered dietitians along with other specialists create a personalized care plan for each individual.
Maintaining the 340B Program: CMMC adheres to the American Hospital Association’s 340B Good Stewardship Principles. We have an internal 340B Oversight Committee comprised of key leadership members from across the healthcare system. The committee meets at least quarterly to conduct internal reviews to ensure our program meets the US Department of Health & Human Services HRSA program rules and provide guidance for our program’s future direction.
Do I Need to Do Anything to Benefit? The 340B program is not a direct-to-consumer program. The benefits of the 340B program for our community, such as those listed above, automatically apply to CMH patients who receive their care across our system. You do not need to do anything to take advantage of these benefits.
If you value the types of services that this program makes available to our community by requiring drug manufactures to provide drugs to CMH at a discount, be sure to encourage your congressional representatives and senators to continue to support the federal 340B program as an essential part of maintaining the availability of exceptional care for Central, West, and Mid-Coast Maine.