Central Maine Community Benefits
As a non-profit healthcare system, all three hospitals are required to conduct a Community Health Needs Assessment (CHNA) with community members within the service area. From there, a Community Health Improvement Plan (CHIP) is developed to address the top health priorities that came from the needs assessment. Below, you can find the links for the CHIPs developed for all three Central Maine Healthcare hospitals for the:
Central Maine Medical Center’s Community Health Implementation Plans
- Lewiston/Auburn Community Health Implementation Plan 2019-2022
- Lewiston/Auburn Community Health Implementation Plan 2022-2025
Bridgton Hospital’s Community Health Implementation Plans
- Lakes Region Community Implementation Plan 2019-2022
- Lakes Region Community Implementation Plan 2022-2025
Rumford Hospital’s Community Health Implementation Plans
- River Valley Community Implementation Plan 2019-2022
- River Valley Community Implementation Plan 2022-2025
Community Benefit Report: Each year, a Community Benefit Report is written to detail the accomplishments on all three hospital plans from the previous fiscal year (July 1 – June 30). This report also includes any community benefit activities throughout the hospitals that aren’t listed on the plans. Below you can read the Central Maine Healthcare Community Benefit Report from the previous three years.
Central Maine Healthcare Corporation FY 22 Community Benefit Report
Central Maine Healthcare Corporation FY 23 Community Benefit Report
About Maine’s Shared Community Health Needs Assessment (ME Shared CHNA): Every three years, a community health needs assessment must be completed. Maine’s Shared Community Health Needs Assessment is a collaborative effort between the Maine Centers for Disease and Control, Central Maine Healthcare, MaineHealth, MaineGeneral Health and Northern Light Health. In 2023, the Maine Community Action Partnership joined the collaborative. This process satisfies the IRS requirement for all non-profit (tax-exempt) hospitals to conduct needs assessments. The statewide collaboration helps to avoid duplication of efforts, and there is a far greater reach through all 16 counties.
The vision of the Maine Shared CHNA helps to turn data into action so that Maine will become the healthiest state in the United States. This unique public-private partnership is intended to assess the health needs of all who call Maine home. For more information on the MSCHNA:
Statewide and County Data Profiles-Maine Shared CHNA: Each cycle as the CHNA closes, resulting Data Profiles are created. These reports outline the reported data collection, and the top health priorities that come forward in each county following focus groups, county-wide forums, and a state-wide community survey.
Androscoggin County CHNA 2019-2021
Cumberland County CHNA 2019-2021
Oxford County CHNA 2019-2021
Androscoggin County CHNA 2022-2025
Cumberland County CHNA 2022-2025
Oxford County CHNA 2022-2025
All 16 Counties has a resulting Data Profile. These reports are available to the public, and can be viewed, downloaded, and printed on the Maine Shared CHNA website. Visit www.mainechna.org and click on “Final CHNA Reports” to view the reports.
The Maine Shared CHNA website also contains:
For information on community resources for CMMC, Bridgton Hospital and Rumford Hospital, please visit Community Engagement — Healthy Androscoggin